Semi-commutativity of graded rings and graded modules


  • Malik Bataineh Jordan University of Science and Technology.
  • Mashhoor Refai Princess Sumaya University for Technology.
  • Rashid Abu-Dawwas Yarmouk University.
  • Khaldoun Al-Zoubi Jordan University of Science and Technology.



graded rings, graded modules, semicommutative rings, non-commutative graded rings, graded modules over non-commutative rings


A ring R is said to be semi-commutative if whenever a, b ∈ R such that ab = 0, then aRb = 0. In this article, we introduce the concepts of g−semi-commutative rings and g−N−semi-commutative rings and we introduce several results concerning these two concepts. Let R be a G-graded ring and g ∈ supp(R, G). Then R is said to be a g−semi-commutative if whenever a, b ∈ R with ab = 0, then aRgb = 0. Also, R is said to be a g − N−semi-commutative if for any a ∈ R and b ∈ N(R) ⋂ Ann(a), bRg ⊆ Ann(a). We introduce an example of a G-graded ring R which is g − N-semi-commutative for some g ∈ supp(R, G) but R itself is not semi-commutative. Clearly, if R is a g−semi-commutative ring, then R is a g − N−semi-commutative ring, however, we introduce an example showing that the converse is not true in general. Several results and examples are investigated. Also, we introduce the concept of g − NE−semi-commutative rings and we introduce several results concerning g−NE−semi-commutative rings.

Let R be a G-graded ring and g ∈ supp(R, G). Then R is said to be a g−NE− semi-commutative ring if whenever a ∈ N(R) and b ∈ E(R) such that ab = 0, then aRgb = 0. Clearly, g−semi-commutative rings are g −NE−semi-commutative, however, we introduce an example ...

Author Biographies

Malik Bataineh, Jordan University of Science and Technology.

Department of Mathematics.

Rashid Abu-Dawwas, Yarmouk University.

Department of Mathematics.

Khaldoun Al-Zoubi, Jordan University of Science and Technology.

Department of Mathematics.


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How to Cite

M. Bataineh, M. Refai, R. . Abu-Dawwas, and K. . Al-Zoubi, “Semi-commutativity of graded rings and graded modules”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1377-1395, Nov. 2022.




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