Prime Submodules of Graded Modules


  • Rashid Abu-Dawwas Yarmouk University
  • Khaldoun Al-Zoubi Jordan University Of Science And Technology.
  • Malik Bataineh Jordan University Of Science And Technology.



Graded rings, graded modules, prime submodules, álgebra graduada, módulos graduados, submódulos primos.


Let G be a group, R be a G-graded ring and M be a G-graded R-module. Suppose P is a prime ideal of Reand g G G. In this article, we define

Mg (P) = {m G Mg : Am C PMg for some ideal A of Re satisfying A C P}

that is an Re-submodule of Mg, and we investigate some results on this submodule. Also, we introduce a situation where if N is a gr-prime R-submodule of M ,then (Ng : Mg) is a maximal ideal of Re. We close this article by introducing a situation where if N is a gr- R-submodule ofM such that Ne is a weakly prime Re-submodule ofMe,thenNg is a prime Re-submodule of Mg.


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Author Biographies

  • Rashid Abu-Dawwas, Yarmouk University
    Department of Mathematics.
  • Khaldoun Al-Zoubi, Jordan University Of Science And Technology.
    Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Malik Bataineh, Jordan University Of Science And Technology.
    Department of Mathematics and Statistics.


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How to Cite

“Prime Submodules of Graded Modules”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 355–361, Feb. 2013, doi: 10.4067/S0716-09172012000400004.