Fuzzification of strongly and locally strongly compact spaces


  • Osama Sayed Assiut University.
  • Adem Kılı¸cman University Putra Malaysia.




Lukasiewicz logic, semantics, fuzzifying topology, fuzzifying compactness, strong compactness, fuzzifying locally compactness, locally strong compactness


In this paper, some characterizations of fuzzifying strong compact- ness are given, including characterizations in terms of nets and pre- subbases. Several characterizations of locally strong compactness in the framework of fuzzifying topology are introduced and the mapping theorems are obtained.

Author Biographies

Osama Sayed, Assiut University.

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science.

Adem Kılı¸cman, University Putra Malaysia.

Department of Mathematics.


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How to Cite

O. Sayed and A. Kılı¸cman, “Fuzzification of strongly and locally strongly compact spaces”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 45-82, Jan. 2022.


