An Overview of Cubic Intuitionistic β-Subalgebras


  • Prakasam Muralikrishna Muthurangam Government Arts College (Autonomous),
  • A. Borumand Saeid Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
  • R. Vinodkumar Prathyusha Engineering College.
  • G. Palani Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College.



Cubic set, Cubic β−algebra, Cubic β−subalgebra, Cubic intuitionistic set, Cubic intuitionistic β−subalgebra


The conditions  of β-algebra is enforced into the structure of cubic intuitionistic fuzzy settings. Furthermore, the concept of cubic intuitionistic  β-subalgebra  is expressed and its pertinent properties were explored. Also, discussed about the level set of cubic intuitionistic  β-subalgebras and  furnished some fascinating results on the cartesian  product of cubic intuitionistic  β-subalgebra.  Moreover, the notion of mceclip0.png-normed cubic intuitionistic  β-subalgebras have been introduced and relevant results are studied.

Author Biographies

Prakasam Muralikrishna, Muthurangam Government Arts College (Autonomous),

Department of Mathematics.

A. Borumand Saeid, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.

Department of Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer,

R. Vinodkumar, Prathyusha Engineering College.

Department of Mathematics.

G. Palani, Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College.

Department of Mathematics,


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How to Cite

P. Muralikrishna, A. . Borumand Saeid, R. . Vinodkumar, and G. Palani, “An Overview of Cubic Intuitionistic β-Subalgebras”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 23-44, Jan. 2022.


