On a maximal subgroup of the orthogonal group O⁺₈ (3)


  • David Mwanzia Musyoka Kenyatta University.
  • Lydia Njuguna Kenyatta University.
  • Abraham Prins Nelson Mandela University.
  • Lucy Chikamai Kibabii University.




Coset analysis, Fischer-Clifford matrices, split extension, inertia factor, character table, fusion map, restriction of characters


The orthogonal simple group 0  (3) has three conjugacy classes of maximal subgroups of the form 36:L4(3). These groups are all isomorphic to each other and each group has order 4421589120 with index 1120 in 0 (3). In this paper, we will compute the ordinary carácter table of one of these classes of maximal subgroups using the technique of Fischer-Clifford matrices. This technique is very efficient to compute the ordinary character table of an extension group Ḡ = N.G and especially where the normal subgroup N of Ḡ is an elementary abelian p-group. The said technique reduces the computation of the ordinary character table of Ḡ to find a handful of so-called Fischer-Clifford matrices of Ḡ and the ordinary or projective character tables of the inertia factor groups of the action of Ḡ on N.


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Author Biographies

  • David Mwanzia Musyoka, Kenyatta University.

    Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science,

  • Lydia Njuguna, Kenyatta University.

    Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science.

  • Abraham Prins, Nelson Mandela University.

    Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science.

  • Lucy Chikamai, Kibabii University.

    Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science.


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How to Cite

“On a maximal subgroup of the orthogonal group O⁺₈ (3)”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 137–161, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.22199/issn.0717-6279-4778.