Edge-to-vertex m-detour monophonic number of a graph.



Monophonic distance, m-detour monophonic path, Edge-to-vertex m-detour monophonic set, Edge-to-vertex m-detour monophonic basis, Edge-to-vertex m-detour monophonic number


For a connected graph G = (V, E) of order at least three, the monophonic distance dm(u, v) is the length of a longest u − v monophonic path in G. A u − v path of length dm(u, v) is called a u − v detour monophonic. For subsets A and B of V, the m-monophonic distance Dm(A, B) is defined as Dm(A, B) = max{dm(x, y) : x ∈ A, y ∈ B}. A u − v path of length Dm(A, B) is called a A − B m-detour monophonic path joining the sets A, B ⊆ V, where u ∈ A and v ∈ B. A set S ⊆ E is called an edge-to-vertex m-detour monophonic set of G if every vertex of G is incident with an edge of S or lies on a m-detour monophonic path joining a pair of edges of S. The edge-to-vertex mdetour monophonic number Dmev(G) of G is the minimum order of its edge-to-vertex m-detour monophonic sets and any edge-to-vertex m-detour monophonic set of order Dmev(G) is an edge-to-vertex mdetour monophonic basis of G. Some general properties satisfied by this parameter are studied. The edge-to-vertex m-detour monophonic number of certain classes of graphs are determined. It is shown that for positive integers r, d and k ≥ 4 with r < d, there exists a connected graph G such that radm(G) = r, diamm(G) = d and Dmev(G) = k


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Author Biographies

  • A. P. Santhakumaran, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.

    Department of Mathematics .

  • P. Titus, Anna University.

    University College of Engineering Nagercoil.

    Department of Mathematics.


  • K. Ganesamoorthy, Coimbatore Institute of Technology.

    Government Aided Autonomous Institution.

    Department of Mathematics.


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F. Harary, Graph Theory, Addison-Wesley, (1969).

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A. P. Santhakumaran, P. Titus and K. Ganesamoorthy, Edge-toVertex Detour Monophonic Number of a Graph, Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 180-188, (2014).

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How to Cite

“Edge-to-vertex m-detour monophonic number of a graph”., Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 415–428, Sep. 2018, Accessed: Oct. 22, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.revistaproyecciones.cl/index.php/proyecciones/article/view/3161

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