Pairwise Infra Neutrosophic Pre-Open Set in Infra Neutrosophic Bi-topological Space




NBTS, Bi-Open Set, INBTS, Bi-Pre-Open Set, Bi-Semi-Open Set, Bi-Closed Set


In this article, we present the notion of infra neutrosophic bi-topological spaces (in short INBTS) as a generalization of infra neutrosophic topological space (in short INTS) and neutrosophic bi-topological space (in short NBTS). Besides, we study the different types of open and closed sets namely infra neutrosophic bi-open set (in short INBOS), infra neutrosophic bi-semi-open set (in short INBSOS), infra neutrosophic bi-pre-open set (in short INBPOS), infra neutrosophic bi-b-open set (in short INBb-OS), etc. via INBTSs. Then, we introduce the notion of pairwise infra neutrosophic bi-open set (in short PINBOS), pairwise infra neutrosophic bi-semi-open set (in short PINBSOS), pairwise infra neutrosophic bi-pre-open set (in short PINBPOS), pairwise infra neutrosophic bi-b-open set (in short PINBb-OS), and furnish few illustrative examples on them. Further, we investigate several properties of these classes of sets and establish several interesting results via INBTSs in the form of propositions, theorems, etc.


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Author Biographies

  • Suman Das, Tripura University.

    Department of Mathematics.

  • Rakhal Das, ICFAI University Tripura.

    Department of Mathematics.


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How to Cite

“Pairwise Infra Neutrosophic Pre-Open Set in Infra Neutrosophic Bi-topological Space”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 793–811, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.22199/issn.0717-6279-5477.