Computing the Schultz polynomials and indices for ladder related graphs




Distance, Topological indices, Schultz indices, Schultz polynomial


Distance is an important graph invariant that has wide applications in computing science and other fields of sciences. A topological index is a genuine number connected with compound constitution indicating for relationship of compound structure with different physical properties, synthetic reactivity or natural action. The Schultz and modified Schultz polynomials and their corresponding indices are used in synthetic graph theory as in light of vertex degrees. In this paper, the Schultz and modified Schultz polynomials and their corresponding indices for Mongolian tent graph, diamond graph and double fan are determined.


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Author Biography

  • Ali Ahmad, Jazan University.

    College of Computer Science & Information Technology.


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How to Cite

“Computing the Schultz polynomials and indices for ladder related graphs”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 1081–1092, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.22199/issn.0717-6279-2019-05-0070.