L(1,1)-Labeling of Direct Product of any Path and cycle


  • Deborah Olayide Ajayi University of Ibadan.
  • Charles Adefokun Crawford University.




L(1, 1)-labeling, D-2 coloring, direct product of graphs, cross product of graphs, path and cycle, etiquetado L(1, 1), coloreado D-2, producto directo de grafos, producto cruz de grafos, recorrido y ciclo.


Suppose that [n] = {0, 1, 2,...,n} is a set of non-negative integers and h,k G [n].The L (h, k)-labeling of graph G is the function l : V(G) — [n] such that |l(u) — l(v)| > h if the distance d(u,v) between u and v is 1 and |l(u) — l(v)| > k if d(u,v) = 2. Let L(V(G)) = {l(v): v G V(G)} and let p be the maximum value of L(V(G)). Then p is called Xi^—number of G if p is the least possible member of [n] such that G maintains an L(h, k) — labeling. In this paper, we establish X} — numbers of Pm X Pn and Pm X Cn graphs for all m,n > 2.


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Author Biographies

  • Deborah Olayide Ajayi, University of Ibadan.
    Department of Mathematics.
  • Charles Adefokun, Crawford University.
    Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences.


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How to Cite

“L(1,1)-Labeling of Direct Product of any Path and cycle”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 369–388, Mar. 2017, doi: 10.4067/S0716-09172014000400002.