On automatic surjectivity of some additive transformations


  • Mustapha Ech-chérif El Kettani Universidad de Fes.
  • El Houcine El Bouchibti Universidad de Fes.




Banach spaces, additive transformations, quasi-nilpotent operators, automorphisms, antiautomorphism, espacios de Banach, operadores cuasi nilpotentes, automorfismos, antiautomorfismos, transformaciones aditivas.


Let X be an infinite dimensional Banach space and let ? : B(X) ? B(X) be a spectrum preserving additive transformation. We show that if the image of quasi-nilpotent operators contains all quasi-nilpotent operators, then ? is an automophism or an antiautomorphism of B(X).


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Author Biographies

  • Mustapha Ech-chérif El Kettani, Universidad de Fes.
    Faculté des sciences Dhar El Mehraz,
    Département de Math et Informatique. 
  • El Houcine El Bouchibti, Universidad de Fes.
    Faculté des sciences Dhar El Mehraz,
    Département de Math et Informatique.


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How to Cite

“On automatic surjectivity of some additive transformations”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 111–121, May 2017, doi: 10.4067/S0716-09172004000200004.

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