Author responsibilities

Paper submission

Authors submitting unedited documents, neither published nor submitted to revision by another scientific journal, must follow the editorial norms of the Journal. Additionally, statements, conclusions, and data must be reliably presented. Misleading or consciously inconsistent statements are unacceptable and, therefore, will cause the paper not to be published.

Originality and plagiarism

It is assumed that a paper submitted for publication is thoroughly unedited. Citations of documents from the same author or other authors must include the corresponding bibliographical reference. A text copied from another author, without the corresponding citation, will be considered plagiarism. Being a serious ethical misconduct, it will cause the manuscript to be rejected and denounced for plagiarism, according to COPE protocol.

Multiple publication

The author/s must not submit manuscripts dealing essentially with the same issue and approach to more than one journal or any other type of publication simultaneously. Submitting the same or an essentially identical manuscript simultaneously to more than one journal is considered a serious ethical misconduct. Hence, the manuscript will be rejected.

Acknowledging sources

The author/s must explicitly acknowledge others’ work and duly cite publications supporting their work.

Funding acknowledgments

The authors must indicate the financial sources of their research.

Conflicts of interests

The authors must explicitly indicate every other financial source which may influence data interpretation and the discussion of the manuscript.

Manuscript authoring  

Authoring is limited to authors essentially contributing to the conception, design, interpretation and discussion of the manuscript. They must be signaled as co-authors. In addition, other individuals somehow contributing to the manuscript must be acknowledged. These data must be shown in a percentage table, according to authors’ contribution…

Important errors in manuscript writing

If an author finds a serious error in a manuscript, he/she must inform the Director and correct the error on time.

Data access

The authors may be asked to provide original data, even after its publication. They must be willing to offer public access to data.

If data access is not available, authors must provide the Editor with a provisory access as a way of corroborating data reliability.


The authors and coauthors are responsible for communicating with the Journal and providing the final version of the manuscript for publication.