Social representations of adults about childhood and child participation




childhood, discourse analysis, participation, social representations


From a qualitative / structural sociocritic approach, the social representations that the adult world has of childhood are shown, and how they determine the concepts that are sheltered about the participation of infancy, and thus, affect the design of programs directed to encourage the participation of children. It is understood that social representations are not merely a repertoire but that they articulate a relational and discursive structure of opposition, difference or affinity. In this case, the structure is configured by the discursive positions Adultocéntrica (Adult-Centric), Exoadultocéntrica (Exoadult-centric), Crítica Institucional (Institutional Critique), Crítica Adultez (Critical Adulthood), Materno/paternal (Maternal/paternal), and Normativa/performativa (Regulatory/performative). This paper shows the structure and characteristics of each of the positions.

Author Biographies

Siu-Lin Sofia Lay Lisboa, Universidad de Valladolid.

Campus Segovia

Manuel Montañés Serrano, Universidad de Valladolid.

Campus Segovia.


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How to Cite

Lay Lisboa, S.-L. S., & Montañés Serrano, M. (2016). Social representations of adults about childhood and child participation. Salud & Sociedad, 4(3), 304-316.


