Analysis of suicide and LGBTQ community posts on Twitter




Sexual and Gender Minorities, Internet, Mental Health, Nursing.


Background: Suicide is a multi-causal phenomenon, complex and with diverse manifestations according to groups, socio-demographic and cultural aspects. Individuals who do not identify themselves as cisgender or heterosexual have an increased chance of manifesting suicidal behavior. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze LGBTQ community related posts and suicide on Twitter. Method: This is an exploratory, retrospective study with quantitative approach with analysis of 498 posts in Portuguese on LGBT population and suicide. Postings were collected through screen capture, transcribed, coded and then analyzed in the SAS (Statistical Analysis System) version 9.2. Descriptive statistics, association tests and multiple logistic regression were used, with a level of significance of 5%. Results: Predominant tweets of men, written in second or third person, without judgment to the LGBT community, without incentive to suicide and without expression of suicidal behavior. Majority did not mention suicide method or pact and did not expose groups suffering discrimination. There was low involvement with posts. Criticism of the LGBTQ community was more expressed by men. Association between first-person speech and suicidal behavior. Written posts in first person were more likely to receive likes and comments and postings of response type and had increased chances of being commented. Conclusions: The results of the study address the precautions for use and the possibility of directing the development of online strategies and scientific studies aimed at awareness and prevention of suicidal behavior.

Author Biography

Aline Conceição Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

Enfermeira, Mestre em Ciências da Saúde pela Universidade de São João del-Rei.


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How to Cite

Pestana Gradim, J. G., Silva, A. C., Matias Pereira, C. C., & Giacchero Vedana, K. G. (2020). Analysis of suicide and LGBTQ community posts on Twitter. Salud & Sociedad, 10(3), 286-294.




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