Resilience assessment in mexicans diagnosed with HIV:

a comparative study.




Resilience, HIV, Health psicology


Objective: To assess the levels of resilience in Mexico. Diagnoses with HIV and compare the results of
sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Method: A quantitative, non- experimental, cross- sectional study with a descriptive and comparative scope, with 78 Mexicans diagnosed with HIV. The Mexican  Resilience Scale (RESI- M) was used, it ?s formed by 43 items and six dimensions: Strength and Confidence in itself, Social Competence, Family Support, Social Support, and Personal Structure; the application was electronically through the Google Documents platform. Results: 67.9% of the evaluators showed high resilience, 28.2% moderate and only 3.8% low levels. There were no significant differences in any of the sociodemographic variables compared: sex (t = .65 7, p = .513), age range (F = .553, p = .648), schooling (F = .657, p = .082), and time with the disease (F = .657; p = .802). Conclusions: People with HIV evaluated in this study have a high resilience capacity. Although there are no significant differences, men older than 35 years, with university education and the longer time with the positive diagnosis, are more resilient than women.


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How to Cite

Plascencia De La Torre, J. C., & Castellanos Gutiérrez, C. L. (2019). Resilience assessment in mexicans diagnosed with HIV:: a comparative study. Salud & Sociedad, 10(1), 52-64.




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