Non-suicidal self-harms and their relationship with attachment style in a non-clinical sample of Chilean adolescents




Non-suicidal self-harm, Attachment, Adolescents


Objective: to establish the relationship between the presence of non-suicidal self-harm with the type of attachment in a sample of Chilean adolescents. 

Method: A questionnaire was used to evaluate non-suicidals self-harm (American Psychiatric Association, 2014); and two questionnaires to measure attachment style (Gonzalez & Mendez, 2006; Morán, Lecannelier, & Rodríguez, 2014). A non-experimental, transversal and analytical study was carried out, was used Chi square  for comparisons between the attachment style between those who self-harm and those who do not. 

Results: 186 adolescents, with ages between 14 and 18 years old (M = 15.8, SD = 1.1), 57% correspond to women. 11% (22) of the subjects reported self-harm, 77.3% corresponded to women. 

In subjects reporting with self-harm, 80.9% had an insecure type of attachment (4.8% avoidance attachment, 33.3% ambivalent attachment, and 42.8% disorganized attachment). 95.4% have medium to high scores on subscale signs of anger and anguish towards the figure of attachment. 

Conclusions: Insecure and disorganized attachment styles are a factor of vulnerability that predisposes subjects to emotional deregulation. 

Adolescents who report self-harm they tend to have less secure attachments, in contrast to those who do not self-harm (Hallab & Covic, 2010).

Author Biography

Jorge Eduardo Leiva Pereira, Servicio Salud Maule.

Centro Salud Mental Comunitaria.


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How to Cite

Leiva Pereira, J. E., & Concha Landeros, A. M. (2019). Non-suicidal self-harms and their relationship with attachment style in a non-clinical sample of Chilean adolescents. Salud & Sociedad, 10(1), 84-99.


