Attitudes toward mental disorders and their perceived association with crime: social stigma


  • Ana Vicario Cañas Universidad de Oviedo.
  • María De La Villa Moral Jiménez Universidad de Oviedo.



Stigma, Mental disorder, Crime, Attitudes, Population


INTRODUCTION: The perception of stigma towards people with mental disorders has been widely reported in the literature. OBJECTIVE: To study attitude towards mental disorders and to analyze the perceived association among several types of mental illnesses and their possible connection with robbery, sexual abuse, homicides, among others. METHOD: The questionnaires “Community Attitudes toward the Mentally Ill” (CAMI) and “Beliefs about the Relationship between Mental Illness and Crime were applied to a general population composed of 200 people whose ages ranged between 15 and 84 (X= 39.21, DT= 17.37). RESULTS: In general, women show a more positive attitude towards people with mental disorders. People with lower levels of education are more authoritative towards the mentally ill. Psychosis is highly associated with crime whereas depression and anxiety are least associated with any crime. CONCLUSION: The implications of these findings are contrasted with social stigmatization. It is suggested to approach mental disorders with a more comprehensive attitude. They represent entities linked to processes of social representation and are socially and culturally determined.


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How to Cite

Vicario Cañas, A., & Moral Jiménez, M. D. L. V. (2017). Attitudes toward mental disorders and their perceived association with crime: social stigma. Salud & Sociedad, 7(3), 254-269.




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