Closed models, strongly connected components and Euler graphs


  • Tsemo Aristide College Boreal.



Euler graphs, closed models, grafos de Euler, modelos cerrados.


In this paper, we continue our study of closed models defined in categories of graphs. We construct a closed model defined in the category of directed graphs which characterizes the strongly connected components. This last notion has many applications, and it plays an important role in the web search algorithm of Brin and Page, the foun-dation of the search engine Google. We also show that for this closed model, Euler graphs are particular examples of cofibrant objects. This enables us to interpret in this setting the classical result of Euler which states that a directed graph is Euleurian if and only if the in degree and the out degree of every of its nodes are equal. We also provide a cohomological proof of this last result.


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How to Cite

T. Aristide, “Closed models, strongly connected components and Euler graphs”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 137-157, Mar. 2017.


