Generalized Ulam—Hyers—Rassias stability of a Cauchy type functional equation


  • Mohamed Akkouchi Cadi Ayyad University.



Alternative fixed point, Generalized Hyers—Ulam—Rassias stability, Cauchy type functional equation, Additive mappings, β-normed spaces.


Using the alternative fixed point theorem, we establish the generalized Hyers—Ulam—Rassias stability of a Cauchy type functional equation
for functions takin values in arbitrary complete (real or complex)
β-normed spaces.


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How to Cite

M. Akkouchi, “Generalized Ulam—Hyers—Rassias stability of a Cauchy type functional equation”, Proyecciones (Antofagasta, On line), vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 15-29, Jun. 2013.


